Wednesday, August 6, 2008
From Impeach and The Road To Denver To MoveOn; Move or Get Out Of The Way: Time Is Running Out!
Posted by ed. dickau at 7:50 PMFrom Impeach and The Road To Denver To MoveOn; Move or Get Out Of The Way: Time Is Running Out!
Overwhelmingly Sufficient Grounds for Impeachment Will Be Sufficient
Jim Babka on Aug 5th 2008
Jeremy Rabkin, George Mason University Professor of Law, was one of the Republican, anti-impeachment experts to provide testimony at the Judiciary Committee, “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Impeachment, Non-impeachment Hearing,” on July 25, 2008. Since I’m in support of impeachment and he’s not, it might surprise you to learn that I thought he uttered the most important and spot-on statement of all the panelists.
In his opening statement, Rabkin essentially suggested that if George W. Bush was really guilty of intentionally lying the country into war, that was an impeachable offense.
And if that charge were true — and here’s the important part — then all the other stuff about politicizing the hiring and firing of U.S. attorneys, warrantless wiretapping, using signing statements to violate the laws passed by Congress, and so on, were all sideshows. (I’ve tried to find both video or a free transcript online; C-SPAN moved/removed just the portion that included Rabkin’s opening statement.)
The sin of lying the country into war such that 4,100 Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died is so heinous that every other charge dilutes this essential point. This one argument, were it valid, would deserve an impeachment hearing all to itself.
Of course, Rabkin thought that anyone who could imagine that Bush or any President could do such a thing was “demented.” But that demonstrates that Rabkin lacks imagination.
It also shows that Rabkin doesn’t think too highly of the Founding Fathers who designed a government based on suspicion of power. Suspicion is, after all, merely a particular form of imagination. I can only imagine what bad things Rabkin says in private about someone like Lord Acton, who was demented enough to suggest that, “power tends to corrupt.”
Instead, Rabkin implicitly trusts politicians who manage to get elected — despite the fact that a winning politician’s electoral success might be due to the fact that he was the best liar in the race.
He also elaborated to the effect that, many wrongs make it somewhat right, later on in the hearings in response to a question from Rep. Lamar Smith. He cited Democrats like Roosevelt, while looking straight at the Democratic side of the Judiciary Committee, and Truman and Johnson as examples.
I’m not exaggerating his position one bit here. Fortunately there is a clip available on YouTube that illustrates the accuracy of my characterization of his postion, so you need not take my word for it — you can watch.
From my point of view, Mr. Rabkin is brilliantly right that focusing on key issues is important. In my political experience, throwing stuff against the wall until something sticks usually means you will just have a mess to clean up, and that mess will probably be your reputation.
Experts in sales and advertising would also tell you that there’s one essential point that serves best to close a deal — a “position” the marketing department calls it. You can make so many good points that none of them emerges as great enough to motivate action. Best to stick with one most compelling sales argument.
Back in June, Dennis Kucinich filed 35 articles of impeachment. They ran the gamut of issues. Not surprisingly, none of them stuck.
But in July, Kucinich came back with just one charge — lying the nation into war. That got him a hearing in the Judiciary Committee — the aforementioned, “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Impeachment, Non-impeachment Hearing.”
Unfortunately, even that hearing became a potluck of presidential grievances.
And it seems to me that every time impeachment comes up so many charges are made that the really important points get lost in the shuffle with less valuable claims. Then impeachment itself becomes lost too. Kucinich and Company ought to listen to Rabkin.
Focus. Focus. Focus.
The spotlight should be on how President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and then National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice perpetuated a deliberate lie for the purpose of starting an unprovoked war. This scam led to the death of more than 4,000 American soldiers, the wounding of tens of thousands more, the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, and a cost of nearly a trillion dollars in taxpayer money.
In another post (hopefully, in the near future), I intend to demonstrate, beyond imagination, in a way that Jeremy Rabkin can understand, if he’s an honest man, why someone who suggests that impeachment hearings are warranted is not demented, but thoughtful.
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Impeachment Efforts Are Worth It
By Chip
Impeachment Efforts Are Worth It by Mikel Weisser | read more. - Convict... - http://www.afterdowningstreet.
COMMENTARY: High Crimes and Let the Impeachment Begin
By Tony Rutherford Washington, DC (HNN) – For the first year or so following the World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001, anyone who dared question ...See all stories on this topic
The time for impeachment is at hand
Capitol Hill Blue - VA,USA
John Dean calls the Bush Administration....WORSE THAN WATERGATE and explains how the Bushies are in trouble for defrauding the government just like Nixon. ...
Denver Update :
This E-News Flash will be relatively short since we will be sending out a new flash soon with important information on events, speakers, and bands. Enjoy, get involved, and remember "Do It In Denver!"
- Federal Trial
- Self-Defense Training
- Events, Speakers, Bands
- Working Meetings and Sessions
- Upcoming Trainings
- Shirts, Donations, and Needs
- Blast From The Past
1. Federal Trial
As many of you are aware, R-68's Federal lawsuit concluded on Thursday of last week. We are currently waiting on Judge Krieger's written ruling expected sometime this week. We are very proud of the R-68 members who were called upon to testify and for all of the hard work that was done by our awesome legal team. We received press across the nation, which assisted us in bringing the draconian measures being put in place, by the U.S. Secret Service and the Denver Police Department, to the rest of the country.
2. Self Defense Trainings
Gumm Mixed Martial Arts Gym has provided an incredible opportunity for supporters of R-68. There will be many counter-protesters who will be accompanying us at the convention. An ounce of preparation for the worst possible scenario is a valuable and strategic move to ensure your personal safety. Please plan on attending one or preferable more of these trainings listed below. If this schedule of training opportunities does not work for you, please contact Glenn at RSVP to the same e-mail address to assist the Gumm's with their preparation. If you would like more information about the Gumm MMA Gym you should visit their website at We are providing basic directions to their gym for your convenience. Also, we have been asked by some what to wear. Here is a suggestion from the Gumm's: Any kind of athletic clothing will be fine but it is best to wear clothing that covers the body well and shorts or pants that have a tight waist or draw strings. We do not allow any shoes on the matt, so socks or bare feet are fine.
We have a water cooler, but do not provide cups, so a water bottle would be a good item to bring as well. Other than that, all they need to bring is themselves and any questions they might have!
Saturday, August 9 12 - 2 pm | Saturday, August 16 12 - 2 pm
There will be an additional training that will be combined with our day of trainings on Saturday, August 23.
From either 6th Ave or Hwy 285 traveling towards the mountains from the Downtown Denver area.
On 6th Ave, travel West, or on Hwy 285 travel South to S. Kipling St.
Take a left (or South) on S. Kipling St.
Take S Kipling St to W. Stanford Ave. Note: W. Stanford Ave will be the stop light immediately following W. Quincy Ave.
At W. Stanford Ave, take a left at the light, and then an immediate right into the parking lot.
We are located in the Kipling Square Shopping Center next to the My Mart gas station and the Texaco Xpress Lube oil change station.
Our sign is red with white writing that says: "Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Thai Kickboxing".
4550 S. Kipling St #5
Denver, CO 80127
3. Events, Speakers, Bands
Many of our events and bands have been announced already. Our next E-News Flash coming out later this week will be dedicated to the announcement of our historic line-up of dynamic speakers. In addition, the announcement of some of our special performers and a recap of our schedule of R-68 organized events and the others that we support with resources and logistics will be included.
4. Working Meetings and Sessions
We have less than three weeks to go and there is still work to be done. Please plan on attending our regular working meetings on Thursday nights in Lincoln Park. Some of us are having what we refer to as working sessions on Monday nights at the courtyard in front of the Tattered bookstore on Colfax.
Organizing Meeting:
Thursdays at 6:30pm
Lincoln Park (in front of the capitol building) at the Veterans Memorial
Working Sessions:
Mondays at 6:30pm
Courtyard outside of the Tattered Cover bookstore on Colfax
5. Upcoming Trainings
In addition to our self-defense trainings, there are a number of other opportunities to obtain skills necessary to assist in this historic venture.
Legal Observing and Know Your Rights Trainings:
Legal Observer Training
When: Tuesday, August 5th 5-7 p.m.
Where: American Friend's Service Committee
901 W 14th Ave # 7
Denver, CO 80204.
Legal Observer Training
When: Wednesday, August 6th, 7-8:30 p.m.
Venue: SEIU Service Employees International Union
2525 W. Alameda Ave.
Denver, CO 80219
Legal Observer Training
When: Saturday, August 9th, 2-4 p.m.
Where: The People's Law Project Office
206 E. 13th Avenue
Denver, CO 80203
Legal Observer Training presented by Copwatch
When: Thursday, August 14th, 2008.
Time: TBA
Where: For more details contact Evan 303.831.8695
Training Day-- Know Your Rights, Legal Observing, and more!
When: Thursday, August 21st, noon-8 p.m.
Where: University of Colorado-Boulder
Humanities Building, Room 250
Intersection of Macky Drive and Pleasant Street
Boulder, CO
Legal Observer Training
When: Friday, August 22nd, 2-4 p.m.
Where: The Mercury Café
2199 California St
Denver, CO 80205
There will be a full day of trainings on Saturday August 23. The schedule will be available in the next E-News Flash.
6. Shirts, Donations, and Needs
Check out our new DNC T-shirts! Be the first in your affinity group to own one of these awesome shirts. Consider forming an R-68 T-shirt bloc, much more fashionable than a black bloc. All proceeds from the sale of these must have T-shirts will go to aid R-68 with the funding of this event. For a look at the design and information on the newest protest garb put out by R-68, go to:
Food Not Bombs will be serving free meals to the community at the Festival of Democracy throughout the week. The meals will be for free, but we need you all to assist them by bringing a reusable fork, plate and cup to minimize our impact on the environment. Additionally, they need your help with food. Below is a list of food you can donate. Much of the canned food can be found on sale for as little as ten cents. Not a bad deal for a weeks worth of free meals. All food donations can be brought to our working meetings at the Gypsy House café on Thursdays. If you cannot make it or are willing to donate a large quantity of food, you can contact us at for other arrangements. Please consider running a food drive in your community to aid us in this project.
Food Needs:
Rice, Beans, Oats, Flour, Oil, Sugar, Canned Tomatoes
Water, Coffee, Tea, Hot Cocoa
Water coolers
Camping StovesPlates, Cups, Spoons, Plastic ware, Picnic Plates, Plastics (light reusable plastic or paper)
R-68 has taken the lead in providing free housing, food, music, trainings, and more. We are bringing in numerous speakers from oppressed communities from across the country. We really need everyone to pitch-in and assist us in this endeavor. Consider skipping your morning coffee or riding your bike to work instead of taking your vehicle. With the money you saved, please mail it as a donation to R-68. None of us are paid staff and all funds will be put into the week worth of activities that are being designed to aid you in having a voice in the direction that the country takes in the future. To donate you can obtain information at:
7. Blast From The Past
As always, we bring you a voice from the past to inspire you for the future.
You North Amerikans are very lucky. You live in the middle of the beast.
You are fighting the most important fight of all, in the center of the battle.
If I had my wish, I would go back with you to North Amerika to fight there.
I envy you.
- Che Guevara Impeachment (If Not Now, When?)
Moveon.Org Has A Lot Of Questions To Answer For Its Members If Expects To Keep Its Membership And Support!
And I am one of those members who will not ante up another dollar or make a move to support or join another street action in Washington DC until they do so.
I will not, as of this day, even post an announcement or a request from MoveOn until our questions are answered.
I will not, as of this day, even post an announcement or a request from MoveOn until our questions are answered.
1) What is the organization’s official position on Impeachment?
(If not now, when?) ( are you going to continue burying the issue in confusing survey forms, the dating of which has given rise to the wide spread resurfacing of this issue as they seem to be little more than lazy Performa recycling of previous documents.) I am not prepared to pay for that form of advocacy.
2) Given the fact that the House Committee on the Judiciary has already conducted one hearing on the efforts of Mr. Kucinich and his supporters nationwide; is MoveOn prepared to join the battle and make a real difference.
An unwillingness or failure to do so would say to me that MoveOn is no longer an advocacy organization of the people but a submissive collaborator and wholly owned subsidiary of the Pelosi-Reid Democratic leadership.
3) Has MoveOn bought into the “spin lines” that it’s too late to do anything now, and that there are other things more important at the moment than the restoration of Constitutional Law in this land and Executive Accountability, (like doing anything controversial might endanger the election of Democrats in November regardless of whether they are worthy of election or reelection)?
4) Is MoveOn prepared to explore or support the exploration of the Suskind allegations?
5) Is MoveOn prepared to act on the clear fact that this administration has engaged in Torture, contrary to our own laws and in total arrogance and defiance of The Geneva Conventions?
6) Has MoveOn become a co-opted organization, co-opted by the Democratic Party leadership to the point where it will sit out any issue that the leadership deems to be uncomfortable and represent that position as the will of the membership of MoveOn as determined by survey techniques designed to provide cover for the leadership of the organization while it enjoys the fruits of the members donations?
These questions need and deserve candid “no spin” responses. In Google groups and organizations across America serious questions are being raised as to the value and integrity of MoveOn. When Members raise such questions; something is very wrong; trust has been lost.
I am not pleased to have to raise these matters in such a public forum.
But when you do not answer my email inquiries and I get a telephone run around after having to do some serious searching even to initiate some calls; I have no other choice.
End Post….

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