Monday, July 21, 2008
Iran: H. CON. Res. 362| Take Action Time. Taking The Anti-War Movement To The Streets, “I’m Just A Shill on Capitol Hill”…That’s The Tune
Posted by ed. dickau at 5:25 PMIran: H. CON. Res. 362| Take Action Time. Taking The Anti-War Movement To The Streets, “I’m Just A Shill on Capitol Hill”…That’s The Tune They’re Playing!
But First: (The Graphic reminders are a reminder to stay focused)
“No member of congress, or any branch of government for that matter, is immune from criminal prosecution while in office”.
I spent all morning at the House and all I heard again and again, is that: “We can’t Impeach; it will cost the election”, and you can’t be serious about abandoning the party and turning on our incumbents”, “people will just be happy to see Bush gone and out of their hair”.
There will be hearing or two this week and Bush won’t look good afterwards, but it’s not going to lead to any official Impeachment procedure”. “With all the McCain is a third term Bush talk, he’ll get hurt even more.”
I have no idea of what is being said of me when I leave an office; and I don’t give a damn. But you would be absolutely enraged to hear how many of our respected leaders and organizations are spoken of by Congressmen and their staff members behind their backs. Sitting reading a magazine while waiting you can get a real earful.
Are we taken seriously? Not on your life. They complain an bitch about all the phone calls they have to handled and the Fax machines being tied up, and on and on. I think you know what I mean. Unless we shake this town like a tectonic upheaval that has the Washington Monument about to topple and every Congressman fearing for his her reelection; we are an annoyance, and that’s all.
In the 60 and 70s the protest movement became an annoyance that could not be ignored, and you know what that took; you know the cost! I know the smell and the sounds of that ground. I know the feel of a police baton. I saw the tanks roll down the streets of Ravenna Ohio and onto the soil of Kent State and I heard the shots and saw the dead in a nation where our government would not listen and would not accept reality. Yes, we are there again, but this time the tear in the fabric of America in so much more serious…it is deliberate!
It is a God Dammed farcical theatre piece and we are supposed to settle for this crap. I am typing with my left hand. My right hand has an ice pack on it from hitting the wall in a restroom. I have had it. The next time I’m in the street it won’t be to hold up some sign and chanting something catchy. That came to an end today!
We are being played like some cheap pawn store Stella Guitar!
And Now! I will not discourage any effort to move this Congress, but I beg of you to be aware that is we fail in all current efforts the future holds tragedy. You need only review Jefferson’s words.
There Is Just So Much to be done, and I was reminded by a call a few minutes ago from Sue Serpa, that the frustration of dealing with an American public that seems to be blissfully unaware in their self absorbed and economically troubled lives is a wide spread malady among all who are striving so hard to make a difference. Thank You Sue for the call…what is the expression…I needed that!
Today, join the nationwide call-in day to make sure your member of Congress knows there is strong opposition to military action against Iran in his or her district.
Now, before any irreversible steps are taken, is the time for us to speak out against any U.S./Israeli military attack on Iran.
Call the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121 or click here to look up the direct numbers for your representative's DC and local offices.
Pressure on Congress is critical right now as it considers H.Con.Res. 362. Introduced by New York congressman Gary Ackerman, the resolution demands that President Bush "initiate an international effort" to impose a land, sea, and air blockade on Iran to prevent it from importing gasoline and to inspect all cargo entering or leaving Iran. Imposing such a blockade without UN authority could be widely construed as an act of war. As of today, 6 other NYC congressmembers have signed on as co-sponsors (joining a total of 219): Crowley, Engel, Fossella, Maloney, Towns, and Weiner.
Click here for info on more ways you can take action.
To find out what upcoming actions for peace might be happening in your area, click here. If you plan an activity, please post it on the UFPJ events calendar so others can join you.
Yours, for peace and justice,
Leslie Cagan National Coordinator, UFPJ | 212-868-5545
PO Box 607; Times Square Station; New York, NY 10108
To subscribe, visit
Important Gains Registered at the National Antiwar Assembly
By Lake Superior Socialist Action(Lake Superior Socialist Action)
... Maryland AFL-CIO and co-convenor, US Labor Against the War; Cindy Sheehan, Gold Star Families for Peace (by video); Elliott Adams, president, Veterans for Peace; Jesse Diaz, organizer of the May 1, 2006 immigrant rights boycott; ...
The evaluation stated correctly that the ultimate measure of the conference’s success "will be determined less by what we discussed and voted upon and more by what attendees do in the aftermath. If those who went through the experience of the conference are assertive in [demanding] united actions and if, as a result, our fractured antiwar movement at last comes together in the streets and stays there until the U.S. stops waging war on the peoples of the Middle East, as well as Afghanistan, then it may truly be said that the conference was, indeed, an historic event."
Pelosi Passes the Buck; Gore Let Off the Hook at Netroots Nation
Beyond Chron - San Francisco,CA,USA
21‚ 2008 It’s no surprise that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got a tough reception at Netroots Nation – as bloggers asked about the Iraq War, impeachment and ...See all stories on this topic
Thoughts on Nancy Pelosi
By A Layman's Point of View(A Layman's Point of View)
Since January 2007 when the Democrat led 110th Congress took over with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker, gas prices have risen $1.86 in 1-1/2 years, or an average of 1.24 per year...10 times Bush's 6 year average and over 2.5 times Bush's worst ...
A Layman's Point of View -
I think before Ms. Pelosi calls the President a total failure, she should see to her own record of leadership. If President Bush is a total failure as the leader of our republic, then the data shows that Ms. Pelosi is an utter abomination as the leader of our democracy
We Read Nancy Pelosi’s Book So You Don’t Have To
By Nancy Pelosi (with Amy Hill Hearth) Doubleday, $23.95 Release Date: July 29. By Will Harper. As the subtitle suggests, this 174-page memoir is more chick lit than a blow-by-blow account of Pelosi’s rise to Speaker of the House . ...
News & Politics: The Snitch -
Know Your Power: A Message to America’s Daughters
By Nancy Pelosi (with Amy Hill Hearth)
Know Your Enemy: A Message To Those Afraid To Take It To The Streets (Ed.)
Nancy Pelosi clearly hid behind Al Gore at the Netroots Convention. She used him to diffuse what could, and should have become an ugly scene, instead she defused the confrontation with an Al Gore Love In! She will use anyone, sacrifice anyone, do anything to win on her terms. She has to fight hard to protect her Botox visage and ever widening ass because she is criminally guilty of so damned much!
Pelosi was secretly tipped off about warrantless spying on Americans. As constitutional expert Jonathan Turley said:
"There is an obvious level of collusion in Congress. We now know that Democratic leadership knew about the illegal surveillance program almost from its inception. Even when they were campaigning about fighting for civil liberties, they were aware of an unlawful surveillance program as well as a torture program. And ever since that came out, the Democrats have been silently trying to kill any effort to hold anyone accountable because that list could very well include some of their own members."
Pelosi also hid from the 9/11 Commission and the American people the fact that the interrogations of 9/11 suspects were videotaped, and that the alleged "confessions" of those held at Gitmo were wholly unreliable. She could have stopped the whole farce cold -- but chose to go along with it. Even covering up a crime committed by someone else is itself a crime:
"Whoever, knowing that an offense has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact; one who knowing a felony to have been committed by another, receives, relieves, comforts, or assists the felon in order to hinder the felon's apprehension, trial, or punishment."
Without question, Pelosi has covered up crimes committed by Bush, Cheney and the White House gang.
Moreover, Pelosi is guilty of criminal conspiracy. She conspired with the Neocons to implement torture, spying and the use of tainted and unreliable evidence regarding 9/11.
She is also guilty of violating the War Crimes Act of 1996, a federal statute set forth at 18 U.S.C. § 2441, which makes it a federal crime for any U.S. national, whether military or civilian, to violate the Geneva Convention by engaging in murder, torture, or inhuman treatment. The statute applies not only to those who carry out the acts, but also to those who order it, know about it, or fail to take steps to stop it.
The statute applies to everyone, no matter how high and mighty. See this.
It is time for Pelosi to make her choice. Accept responsibility and show remorse, and she may be sentenced to community service. Otherwise, she will be tried along with Bush, Cheney and crew as a criminal.
Specifically, unless Pelosi immediately green-lights the impeachment, removal and criminal prosecution of Bush and Cheney, she must herself be indicted as a war criminal and criminal co-conspirator.
Nancy Pelosi, how do you plead?
Unfortunately, Pelosi is not alone. Harman, Rockefeller and others in Congress are also war criminals, accessories after the fact, and co-conspirators.
A writer for Family Security Matters, a national security group associated with a conservative think tank, argued that President Bush should appoint himself "president for life" and "empty Iraq of Arabs and repopulate the country with Americans."
He wasn't kidding.
I fished out the full commentary from the Google cache for Watching the Watchers.
Before you dismiss the piece as a rant of a fringe group, Family Security Matters has a board that includes a former CIA director, talk show hosts Laura Ingraham and Monica Crowley, and a bunch of big Republicans fundraisers. The group recently disappeared the article and everything else by Philip Atkinson from its web site.
Conservative Group Calls for Bush Dictatorship
By Rogers Cadenhead
Watching the Watchers
A writer for a national security group set up by a conservative think tank has called on President Bush to declare himself "President for Life" and remove all Arabs from the Middle East so he can "repopulate the country with Americans."
Philip Atkinson, author of the book A Study of Our Decline, argues that Bush should have followed the model of Julius Caesar in Iraq, slaughtering all Iraqis who did not comply with his demands. "He could then follow Caesar's example and use his newfound popularity with the military to wield military power to become the first permanent president of America, and end the civil chaos caused by the continually squabbling Congress and the out-of-control Supreme Court."
Atkinson's commentary was published Aug. 3 by Family Security Matters, a "security moms" group established by the Center for Security Policy, a right-wing think tank. The security group's board includes talk show hosts Laura Ingraham and Monica Crowley, Center for Security Policy president Frank Gaffney Jr., and former CIA director R. James Woolsey.
Here's Atkinson's commentary, which was recently removed from the site:
Conquering the Drawbacks of Democracy
President George W. Bush is the 43rd President of the United States. He was sworn in for a second term on January 20, 2005 after being chosen by the majority of citizens in America to be president.
Yet in 2007 he is generally despised, with many citizens of Western civilization expressing contempt for his person and his policies, sentiments which now abound on the Internet. This rage at President Bush is an inevitable result of the system of government demanded by the people, which is Democracy.
The inadequacy of Democracy, rule by the majority, is undeniable -- for it demands adopting ideas because they are popular, rather than because they are wise. This means that any man chosen to act as an agent of the people is placed in an invidious position: if he commits folly because it is popular, then he will be held responsible for the inevitable result. If he refuses to commit folly, then he will be detested by most citizens because he is frustrating their demands.
When faced with the possible threat that the Iraqis might be amassing terrible weapons that could be used to slay millions of citizens of Western Civilization, President Bush took the only action prudence demanded and the electorate allowed: he conquered Iraq with an army.
This dangerous and expensive act did destroy the Iraqi regime, but left an American army without any clear purpose in a hostile country and subject to attack. If the Army merely returns to its home, then the threat it ended would simply return.
The wisest course would have been for President Bush to use his nuclear weapons to slaughter Iraqis until they complied with his demands, or until they were all dead. Then there would be little risk or expense and no American army would be left exposed. But if he did this, his cowardly electorate would have instantly ended his term of office, if not his freedom or his life.
The simple truth that modern weapons now mean a nation must practice genocide or commit suicide. Israel provides the perfect example. If the Israelis do not raze Iran, the Iranians will fulfill their boast and wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Yet Israel is not popular, and so is denied permission to defend itself. In the same vein, President Bush cannot do what is necessary for the survival of Americans. He cannot use the nation's powerful weapons. All he can do is try and discover a result that will be popular with Americans.
As there appears to be no sensible result of the invasion of Iraq that will be popular with his countrymen other than retreat, President Bush is reviled; he has become another victim of Democracy.
By elevating popular fancy over truth, Democracy is clearly an enemy of not just truth, but duty and justice, which makes it the worst form of government. President Bush must overcome not just the situation in Iraq, but democratic government.
However, President Bush has a valuable historical example that he could choose to follow.
When the ancient Roman general Julius Caesar was struggling to conquer ancient Gaul, he not only had to defeat the Gauls, but he also had to defeat his political enemies in Rome who would destroy him the moment his tenure as consul (president) ended.
Caesar pacified Gaul by mass slaughter; he then used his successful army to crush all political opposition at home and establish himself as permanent ruler of ancient Rome. This brilliant action not only ended the personal threat to Caesar, but ended the civil chaos that was threatening anarchy in ancient Rome – thus marking the start of the ancient Roman Empire that gave peace and prosperity to the known world.
If President Bush copied Julius Caesar by ordering his army to empty Iraq of Arabs and repopulate the country with Americans, he would achieve immediate results: popularity with his military; enrichment of America by converting an Arabian Iraq into an American Iraq (therefore turning it from a liability to an asset); and boost American prestiege while terrifying American enemies.
He could then follow Caesar's example and use his newfound popularity with the military to wield military power to become the first permanent president of America, and end the civil chaos caused by the continually squabbling Congress and the out-of-control Supreme Court.
President Bush can fail in his duty to himself, his country, and his God, by becoming “ex-president” Bush or he can become "President-for-Life" Bush: the conqueror of Iraq, who brings sense to the Congress and sanity to the Supreme Court. Then who would be able to stop Bush from emulating Augustus Caesar and becoming ruler of the world? For only an America united under one ruler has the power to save humanity from the threat of a new Dark Age wrought by terrorists armed with nuclear weapons. Contributing Editor Philip Atkinson is the British born founder of and author of A Study of Our Decline. He is a philosopher specializing in issues concerning the preservation of Western civilization. Mr. Atkinson receives mail at
Note -- The opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, and/or philosophy of The Family Security Foundation, Inc.
The Family Security Matters web site has removed all articles by Atkinson and references to the writer, who is credited in the commentary as a contributing editor, though many remain cached by Google.
One expunged article explained how to determine whether someone is insane. "[T]he way to determine if a man is insane -- the sanity test -- is to ask him how he tells right from wrong independently of his feelings," Atkinson wrote. "If he cannot immediately nominate a clear moral code, independent of his feelings, then he is insane."
Liberal Bloggers Brace for Victory Obama's Prospects Pose New Concerns for Netroots
… But these are changing times, and Obama, in his calls for getting past blue vs. red America, and in his recent positions on issues such as telecom immunity, is somewhat of an enigma. With the Dems taking back Congress in 2006 and the prospect of an Obama victory come November, many in the influential Netroots are left in a precarious, ambiguous position. The question is, who needs whom: Does Obama need the Netroots, or vice versa?
Kos, never one to mince words, is blunt.
"It's not a question of who needs whom. Fact is, the Netroots are not going to be the decisive factor," Kos says, fidgeting with his iPhone as he sits on a lounge chair at the Hilton, across the street from the convention center. "But having said that, we're an activist set of people: We're engaged, we give money, we put boots on the ground. That's why when many of us had a genuine disagreement with Obama on FISA" -- Obama voted for a bill that provided retroactive immunity to telecom companies -- "we let him know about it."
Influx of Voters Expected to Test New Technology
With millions of new voters heading to the polls this November and many states introducing new voting technologies, election officials and voting monitors say they fear the combination is likely to create long lines, stressed-out poll workers and late tallies on Election Day.
At least 11 states will use new voting equipment as the nation shifts away from touch-screen machines and to the paper ballots of optical scanners, which will be used by more than 55 percent of voters.
“I’m concerned about the weak spots,” said Rosemary E. Rodriguez, the chairwoman of the United States Election Assistance Commission, which oversees voting. “So much depends on whether there will be enough poll workers, whether they are trained enough and whether their state and county election directors give them contingency plans and resources to handle the unexpected.”
Voting rights advocates are working with officials in Florida, Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania to try to prevent the kind of ballot design problems that added to the loss of around 12,000 votes in this year’s presidential primary in Los Angeles County and 18,000 votes in a 2006 Congressional race in Sarasota County, Fla.
All Politics Is Local | Take A Lesson From Youngstown, but let’s not wait until our opponents die.
The End of the Hanni Machine
Youngstown Vindicator - Youngstown,OH,USA
But when young mothers throughout Mahoning County courageously stand up against Don Hanni's intimidating political "machine" by running for precinct ...
See all stories on this topic
Bury Bush Under Impeachment!

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